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ERP programme delivery

Providing independent programme management and leadership to successfully shape and deliver, or turnaround ERP implementation.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) projects are among the most complex and demanding transformations an organisation will undertake. As well as introducing new technology, these programmes typically involve changing: core processes, such as finance, sales, and the supply chain; organisational structures; and how data is managed, reported and analysed.

It’s all too easy for such programmes to go off track. As a result, ERP implementations have a reputation for costing more and delivering less than originally anticipated.

But when delivered well, the benefits of ERP transformation are significant. With our expertise in programme management, leadership, change and turnaround, we can help you not only successfully implement your ERP but realise the full outcomes you want to achieve.


ERP consultants setting out the business case and the target state

Berkeley’s ERP consultants can help you put together a compelling business case for change, articulating the true outcomes you want to achieve and why they are necessary.

We can then partner with you to establish the roadmap to get there. Setting out the target state and high-level design, we can help you get the all-important foundations right – all crucial for future success.

Our consultants can help with the key questions at the interface between business and technology, such as which SAP S/4HANA migration strategy is right for the organisation.

ERP consultants empowering your governance, leadership and capability

Our consultants can partner with you to gain the support of your key stakeholders, secure investment approval and ongoing active sponsorship, and establish robust governance.

We can help you to develop and secure the right leadership, empowering them to take accountability and manage the programme well. Working together, we can shape the right delivery model and bring together the appropriate blend of resources, selecting and dedicating enough capacity, and advising on sourcing external support where needed.

Berkeley’s ERP consulting expertise can ensure the design and test approach that is appropriately tailored to your scope, and ensure the necessary level of involvement from the business. We would help your organisation to achieve the right degree of business ownership, representation and dedication.

The main benefit for me was in getting control of a project that (initially) had no clear scope, governance, timing, budget or plan. A highly successful engagement and one that sets a clear model, and standard, for how we run projects in the future.

Chief Technology Officer, a media and entertainment company


ERP consultants choosing the right solution and suppliers

Berkeley consultants can help you assess the available enterprise resource planning technology, including SAP S/4HANA, Oracle, Workday, Microsoft solutions and others, and determine the best solution for your organisation’s unique needs. We understand the desire to keep customisations to a minimum and can help you build the right governance for decision-making and manage complex third-party relationships.

During the delivery phase, we can partner with you on effective supplier management. Our ERP consultants can help you decide the right point to involve a systems integrator (SI) and help you select one that is the right fit for your culture and organisation, balancing expertise with cost.

We can provide objective advice on contracting best practice and help ensure suppliers are commercially motivated in line with your goals – so your delivery will be in scope and on budget.

As a fully independent consultancy, we have no vested interests in any given ERP product and hold no commercial agreements with any third parties. Additionally, our working model doesn’t involve selling in junior resources aligned with a particular ERP product. We will always provide an objective assessment of your needs and how to meet them. You can feel confident we are doing the right thing for you.

ERP consultants getting data analytics and legacy integration right

Dealing with legacy data can often be a significant challenge for ERP programmes. We can advise on the right prioritisation and lead times for data cleanse and analysis, and robustly plan integration into your legacy systems.

ERP consultants acting as trusted partners

Enterprise resource planning implementations may involve hundreds of people, a global spread of locations, multiple divisions or business units, broad stakeholder groups and multiple external suppliers. These conditions require leaders with significant experience, bringing the right mix of technical and soft skills to deliver in ways aligned to your organisation’s culture. We can provide this expertise, seniority and insight, working as trusted partners to our clients.

As transformation specialists with deep experience in ERP programmes, we are adept at delivery methods, and know all the pitfalls, approaches and best practices for big packages. For us, there are no one-size-fits-all answers or methodologies; our cross-sector expertise and market knowledge allows us to tailor our approach to suit your organisation’s individual circumstances.

With our expertise in transformation and ERP delivery, Berkeley can partner with clients across the programme lifecycle. We can help you keep your programme on schedule and on budget, achieve successful implementation – and realise the full benefits.

Ben Wildman, Partner


Our clients often ask us...

Question 1

How do we make the business case and gain investment approval for an ERP transformation? 

Question 2

Which ERP solutions are the best match for my Industry, organisation size, geographical footprint and functional scope? 

Question 3

Which cloud and hosting options best suit my circumstances?

Question 4

When is the right point to involve a systems integrator, to ensure the right balance of timely expertise, market competition and cost?

Question 5

How do I organise my internal resources for my ERP programme?

SAP S/4HANA migration clients often ask us...

Question 1

Which S/4HANA migration strategy is right for my organisation?

Question 2

How do I build a persuasive business case for the benefits of S/4HANA migration?

Question 3

Can our S/4HANA migration enable wider business transformation?

Question 4

How do we negotiate a competitive deal with SAP over S/4HANA migration?

Question 5

How do I find and select the right SI for S/4HANA migration?

Question 6

How do I mitigate the risks of our S/4HANA transformation programme going wrong?

Question 7

How do I overcome resistance to change during our S/4HANA migration?

Question 8

How can I minimise SAP customisation given the flexibility to enhance the product?

Client stories

Making an impact for our clients and turning their ambitions into real results