I love that every single person has bought into the culture and vision of The Berkeley Partnership. There is a common theme through every interaction of delivering the best possible outcome for our clients with a huge emphasis on support from everyone across the business.
From day one, every conversation and interaction I have had has left me feeling excited and motivated to learn from and support my colleagues across the business. I feel listened to and that my thoughts and opinions are valued.
The culture at Berkeley feels naturally positive, rather than forced, because of the amazing people working here. There is a really refreshing attitude across the firm where people care about each other and have a real desire to support and help drive the business forward.
I get genuinely excited when a new prospect agrees to a meeting or video call. There is a lot of work that goes into researching new companies and contacts before attempting to speak to them, so it is a massive sense of achievement when they agree. When someone comes to me with an idea of looking to engage with a company we have never worked with and the reasons why we could help them, it is so satisfying to progress these conversations into tangible relationships. Speaking to people who have never heard of The Berkeley Partnership and leaving them with positive memorable interaction is extremely fulfilling.
I am a dad to three amazing children. Being the best role model to them is the most important and enjoyable job in the world. Teaching them to be comfortable talking about their feelings and emotions is particularly important to me; as the world becomes more accepting of people saying they are not OK then it is so important that I support my children on this path.
Instilling strong values of being tolerant and accepting to everyone in society is equally important. Showing compassion and empathy to others and understanding that everyone has their own challenges in life.
I love spending time with my children going on family days out and holidays, creating happy memories that they can look back when they are older and tell their children about.