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Sam Fitzpatrick

Consultant, UK

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Sam Fitzpatrick

Consultant, UK

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What do you like most about Berkeley?

For me, Berkeley’s big draw continues to be the collegiate environment is has developed throughout its 30+ years of operating.  A lot of effort and focus goes into keeping the firm engaged across all facets of business and ensuring that the consultants, business services teams and partners are connected, be it through the monthly firm-wide events, client team events and other working or social events. Ensuring everyone gets a chance to know each other, spend time outside of the day-to-day client work and feel like they can contribute and play an active part in shaping Berkeley’s future and success really stands its culture apart.


What types of engagements excite you the most?

I’ve been lucky enough to work on a real selection of engagements but the ones that have really stuck with me are those where you can see direct, measurable impact to customers, particulalry in mid-sized organizations where the speed at which teams can introduce change, gather feedback and measure success can be relatively fast compared to other FTSE 30 organizations that I’ve worked in. Working with a typically small but talented set of senior executives on a day-by-day basis to drive out a strategy and then seed in the delivery within the organization is where I get a real enjoyment from the work I do. Delivering business transformation at a casual dining group, leading the digital transformation of a suite of professional examinations and changing the way customers engage and interact at the UK’s largest railway company have all been real highlights for me.

3  What are your values and how have they informed your career?

Although I’ve worked on a wide variety of engagements, I’d like to think my values have remained constant throughout both before and with Berkeley. These include:

  1. Staying positive – there are times that things do get difficult and to keep a posive mindset, and assume that the team you work with have set out to do the right thing, is critical to taking enjoyment from the work and also getting the work done
  2. Keeping the balance – I find I need to keep a balance across all the elements of my life – family, work, hobbies, down time – to operate at my best.  Although the balance can flex from time to time, making sure that this is in check ultimately makes me better at work and happier in the long run.
  3. Finding a cause – I want to belive in the work that I do and the people that I work with and for. I do my best work when I can tap into a cause and really buy in to the objectives and the purpose of the work I do.
  4. Developing – I belive it’s important to keep yourself in a position of growth and on a trajectory forward. There are times when this trajectory slows but I absolutely need to retain then feeling of moving forward to ensure I stay motivated for the work I do.